| | What is the NZKC Accredited Breeders Scheme? The scheme is managed and monitored by the New Zealand Kennel Club. The aim of the scheme is to: - Encourage the breeding of healthy well-adjusted puppies
- Promote and recognise good breeding practices
- Assist the puppy buying public to find responsible breeders
What is an Accredited Breeder? An Accredited Breeder is someone who: - Ensures their breeding stock and progeny are NZKC registered.
- Advises new owners about the NZKC Register that the dog is recorded on and explains any endorsements that may be applied to the puppy and why they have been applied.
- Permanently identifies breeding stock by DNA profile and microchip or tattoo.
- Makes use of health screening schemes (as they become available), relevant to their breed, on all breeding stock.
- Ensures their puppies are well socialised before going to their new homes.
- Provides written advice to new owners on feeding, worming, socialization, exercise and future training of their puppy.
- Provides a written record (from a veterinarian) on the immunisation measures taken to date on the puppy.
- Is available to give reasonable post sale advice to the new owner.
- Will assist if necessary in the re-homing of the dog, for whatever reason throughout the dog's lifetime.
- Will advise the buyer of any know inherited disorders that the puppy or adult dog may be predisposed to which may cause health welfare problems during the dog's lifetime.
- Provides the new owner with a Sale and Purchase Agreement, detailing any of the endorsements that may have been placed on the dog.
- Advises the new owner about the requirement and recommendations that apply to them as an Accredited Breeder and also make the buyer aware of the NZKC Complaint Process.
- Provides written advice, in the Puppy Sales Wallet on the continuation of socialisation, exercise and future training.
Why Buy a Puppy From an Accredited Breeder? The NZKC Accredited Breeders Scheme provides puppy buyers with reassurance that: - They are purchasing a pedigree puppy from someone whose priority is the health and welfare of the the puppies that they breed.
- The breeder will give a quality, supportive and informative service both before and after they take their puppy home.
- The sire and dam of a puppy have been tested for all required health tests, relevant to the breed, and that the breeder will provide you with accurate information about the results of these tests.
- The sire and dam have been DNA profiled so the parentage of the puppy can be verified.
- The Breeder has signed and agreed to the Accredited Breeders Code of Ethics and Code of Practice. These can be viewed on the NZKC Website.
- The breeder will advise you of the process should you wish to lodge a complaint.